Buckeye Show Jan. 12, 2002


This is two 6-inch Ericsson Engines designed to pump 300 gallons of water per hour using 3 pounds of coal. These engines are 4'6" tall and weigh 800 pounds.

Note this Ericsson Engine has round legs and a straight spoke flywheel making it one of the older improved Ericsson's.

Both are 6-inch Ericsson Engines and have round legs and one has a straight spoke flywheel and the other has a curved spoke flywheel. The dates on these 2 engines are around 1880-1885.

The backside of the 6-inch Ericsson Engine.

This is a picture of Darrell Lipp taking care of the engines at a show in Buckeye.

This is another picture or Darrell Lipp.

This is a picture of Robert Welch and Darrell Lipp.

This is another picture or Darrell Lipp.

This 6-inch Ericsson was used at a mine southeast of Tucson and went into service there in the 1880's.

Four Ericsson Engines on a trailer at a show in Buckeye with two center engines with 6-inch diameter pistons and the outer engines are 8-inch Ericssons.

This is a 8-inch Ericsson Engine that was used for pumping water at the Wrigley Ranch in Phoenix, Arizona put in use at around 1907.

This is another view of the engine above and it would pump 500 gallons of water per hour on 4 pounds of coal. This engine is 5'6" and weighs 1000 pounds.

This is a picture of Kevin Welch.

This engine here was manufactured by Jost and was used for driving a drill at a dental office and were also used on fans for home cooling.

Pictured here is a hot air fan on the left and the Jost dental engine on the right.

This is a 5-inch Ericsson Engine used for pumping water and it would pump 150 gallons of water per hour on 3 pounds of coal.

This is another view of the 5-inch and stood 4'2" tall and weighs 550 pounds. Pictured here running a copper tub washing machine.

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